Wheatstone LXE 3328T
Regular price $77,559.00
Wheatstone LXE 3328T Digital Audio Console Surface and Mix Engine
33 Position LXE frame with:
- 5 Pairs of LED Program Meters, Aux Send Level
- Displays, Cue Speaker, Headphone Amp
- 28 IP-LXE Input Modules (WS# 011800)
- 1 MON-LXE-1 Monitor Module (WS# 011801)
- 1 MON-LXE-2 Monitor Module (WS# 011802)
- 1 ST-LXE-1 Studio Monitor Module (WS# 011803)
- 2 BK-LXE Blank Modules (WS# 011819)
- 1 LX-HPJA External Headphone Jack (WS# 010046)
- 1 PS-1600 Power Supply (WS#007533)
- 1 Power Supply Cable (WS# 007505)
- 1 LXE User Manual (WS# 011899)
- 1 LXE Mix Engine Blade (WS# 011016)
Meet the LXE Console/Control Surface
The LXE is designed to be your console. Every knob, every button, every display can be programmed to accommodate virtually any application you come up with. No need to compromise anymore.
LXE is our most modular console ever. Simply group the modules into bays and connect them to your network with a single CAT6 cable. This allows you to use them in tabletop frames, with or without a meterbridge, with no need to cut furniture. Or, you can flush mount them right into your table, easily splitting them as you need.
Full color OLEDs reflect your programming, and the touchscreen GUIs let you interact with your audio in fresh new ways to do everything from pinching and dragging EQ to setting up router crosspoints in your network. ScreenBuilder™ LXE is included so you can create your own touchscreens. And ConsoleBuilder™ is a GUI-based app that allows you to program and configure your hardware surface.
Simply put, there’s never been a more customizable way to work.
Physical Surface:
- Several form factors available with mainframe configuration flexibility:
– Tabletop with meterbridge
– Wedge low profile (no meterbridge, pairs with separate HDMI monitor)
– Countertop drop (flushmount)
All three choices can be split consoles connected via network in same room or different rooms/locations
- Fully Programmable / Configurable via ConsoleBuilder™
– Every button configurable via setup GUI, can be scriptable, or a variety of other functions
– Every encoder/knob configurable from the setup GUI, Can be scripted (if X then Y) or assigned to other knob or encoder functions.
– Fader is scriptable to control things via ACI like Utility mixer channels.
– Multicolored fully programmable LED buttons throughout (blue, cyan, green, yellow, red, magenta)
– Two full color OLED displays per channel configurable for contextual display
- Optional meterbridge for tabletop version with high-resolution LED meters and digital timer, all assignable from ConsoleBuilder™
- Built in Ethernet switch for plugging in accessories or other host panels
- True IP – connects directly to switch
- Four stereo Program busses
- Four stereo Aux busses
- Four mono or stereo Mix-Minus busses
- Headphone stream to surface - up to one per panel host
- Each input channel offers Phase control, Panning, Fader mode Left, Right, Mono, Stereo - each assignable to any knob/button
- Stereo or mono cue speaker depending on frame size
- Up to 32 physical faders (virtual faders can be controlled via ACI for third-party flexibility)
- Every fader has bus-minus or direct out and is configurable as stereo or mono
- Fader mirroring – allows faders to mirror one another in different locations
- Motorized fader option
- 8 layers (to accommodate up to 32 input fader channels) – completely customizable and configurable for each layer.
- 16 monitors (include Control Room, Headphones, Studio 1, Studio 2, etc), each with monitor dimming (all with friendly names)
- Monitor mix capable – mix all busses together for monitor output
- Monitor Linking (example: Headphone follow Control Room)
- Level lock for Monitors
- Dynamics, including Compressor, Expander, Gate, controlled via touchscreen or optional panel
- Full Parametric EQ controlled via touchscreen or optional panel (EQ GUI screen with color coded knobs), with highpass and low pass filters
- Flexible Metering Options:
– Loudness metering
– Phase Correlation metering
– Input metering on each channel
- Automix function controlled via touchscreen GUI
- Info screen on surface for current status
- User management:
– Logging in and out
– User based access to controls
– Vdip saved per user settings
- Unlimited number of events
- Support for remote mix engine (off premises, for use with At-Home systems)
- Time sync to NTP via mix engine
- Display brightness controls
- Accessory panels powered internally
- Tone generator
- Clip player option
Touchscreen GUI:
- Complete set of screens provided to allow control over every aspect of the LXE control surface
- ScreenBuilder™LXE with support for unlimited number of screens (which run one at a time) allows you to build any type of custom screen you need
- Configurable Home screen with up to 8 Monitor, 4 Aux, 4 Mix-Minus meters
- Linux based OS with touchscreen support accessible via HDMI video output
- Full screen XY controller built in
- Multiple Cue feeds if required
- Digital timer and clock on home screen
- Add custom logo to clock background
- Front end app can be used on Windows, Linux, or Mac for additional display of surface functions.