Wheatstone Network Edge Blade

Wheatstone Network Edge Blade


Regular price $6,166.00

Wheatstone Network Edge Blade

Network EDGE is designed specifically as a translator between high-quality, low-latency studio networks such as WheatNet-IP and low-bandwidth STL connectivity options such as IP radios.

Edge Flowchart v3 2560

Typically located at the studio, the Network EDGE interfaces directly to an IP wireless radio or commercial leased line for point-to-point connectivity between locations. Network EDGE can be used with any of the major IP radio brands currently on the market. When used within the WheatNet-IP system, with a Network EDGE at one end and a BLADE at the other, this opens up a world of possibilities based on BLADE I/O functionality such as silence detection, clip player, logic for automation, et al.

The Network EDGE includes local I/O (two AES and two stereo analog) and 12 programmable logic ports.

EDGE provides the data buffering needed between the studio IP audio network and the STL in order to handle the latency swings typical of unlicensed IP radios. It handles the necessary delay as a buffer to any latency shifts that come across the link and acts as an interface between the WheatNet-IP audio network and the IP radio.

This is because the critical difference between unlicensed and licensed wireless IP systems is how the two handle latency. IP wireless radios operating on licensed frequencies have exclusive use of the band and therefore have a consistent, lower latency, typically around 100 microseconds. Comparatively, latency on an unlicensed system can jump from 2 milliseconds up to 12 or 20 milliseconds depending on interference or even changes in weather patterns.

For more info in IP Radios, check out these two articles:

1. Your Cheat Sheet to Part 101 Wireless STLs


2. Life On The Edge: STL via IP Microwave


  • IP Wireless STL (half-duplex) compatible

  • 2 programmable logic ports (GPIO)

  • 4 audio inputs: 2 AES/2 analog

  • Compatible with WheatNet-IP BLADEs for control functions

  • Front panel headphone jack

  • 1RU, no fans

  • Ethernet port


Below are three diagrams that illustrate the function of the EDGE, it's application in a STUDIO, and its application at the TRANSMITTER.

Edge Interface Graphics Function 25609


Edge Interface Graphics Studio 2560


Edge Interface Graphics Transmitter 2560


BLADE 3 and WheatNet-IP Technical Manual

This is a technical manual covering all of the WheatNet-IP BLADE-3s.