Wheatstone MP-532 Audio Processor
Regular price $5,599.00
Wheatstone MP-532 MultiMode Broadcast Audio processor with 4 modes FM/HD or AM/HD, HD & Streaming
Wheatstone's new MP-532 audio processor is an affordable single-space rack unit that can handle any and all your broadcast processing applications – FM, AM, FM HD, AM HD, HD-only, or Streaming. It's priced so you can use multiple boxes where and how you need them without having to commit to a large expensive box with bells and whistles you may not need. It's the best way to install exactly what you need without spending a penny more than your budget.
The MP-532 offers tools that can provide the most clarity and articulation of any processor on the market. Breathtakingly airy and silky highs with detail that you get from the finest hifi audio gear, mids that never overstep their thresholds insuring mud-free warmth and presence, and deep powerful lows that are sculpted to be richly detailed and free from the muck that bogs them down in nearly every other processor.
All that comes without having to give up volume - indeed, just the opposite. MP-532 gives you "loudness-ability" courtesy new distortion canceling algorithms and precision look-ahead limiters to provide pristinely clean audio AND dial-dominating loudness.
There's full FM RDS capability so that $500 RBDS/RDS encoder you were going to have to buy to generate song, title and album data won't be needed. MP-532 has a built-in RBDS/RDS encoder.
A multiplex power controller is included, saving yet another costly unit to meet the ITU-R BS.412-7 modulation requirements for reducing adjacent channel interference.
Unique to Wheatstone processors, the MP-532 includes our intelligent five-band AGC technology — or iAGC — coupled to a five-band limiter and stereo generator. The combination provides automatic and superior real-time program density control for a consistent, spectrally-balanced sound regardless of density variations in incoming source material.
MP-532 is part of the WheatNet-IP audio network, with a full-blown interface, so you can set up and trigger presets remotely now and add on to your WheatNet-IP ecosystem later. It also includes 192kHz digital MPX connectivity to the transmitter for end-to-end native IP audio quality. It is equipped with two analog composite outputs, two SCA inputs, balanced analog Left/Right outputs and an AES digital output which may be switched to deliver either discrete Left/Right or baseband192 digital multiplex signal. Input audio may be delivered via analog, AES or WheatNet-IP.
For local and/or remote control, there's a full graphic user interface that allows you to tailor every function of the MP-532, so tweaking and making changes is both intuitive and accessible.
- Stunning audio with little or no distortion
- Fits perfectly into any/every broadcast workflow
- Can do double redundant duty easily replacing a processor on another feed
- Multipath mitigation that can increase your listening area
- Is a part of the WheatNet-IP Intelligent Network
Intelligent iAGC
Our adaptive iAGC – or intelligent AGC – allows unobtrusive transitions between hyper-compressed recordings and those with more dynamic range. Our iAGC effectively manages the behavior of the multiband AGC as program content density changes, something a typical broadband AGC simply cannot do. By coupling the iAGC and mulitband AGC, we are able to produce a consistent, spectrally-balanced sound regardless of density variations in incoming source material.
Smart Stereo Enhancement
The MP-532’s Smart Stereo Enhancement provides a wide but extremely stable ‘on-air’ stereo image. “Wide”, “alive”, “exciting to listen to”, and “very natural sounding” are terms customers have used to describe how our stereo enhancement method sounds. Users have reported hearing artistically important nuances in music that were simply inaudible when the same material was processed by competing products. Four band parametric EQ lets you tune in your signature sound.
Bodacious Bass Management System
Multi-mode operation: AM, FM, HD/stream processing or a simultaneous combination of AM+HD or FM+HD
Input accepts analog, AES3 and WheatnetIP audio
AES3 digital input accepts 32kHz to 96kHz sample rates
AES3 digital output sample rate automatically synchronizes to AES3 digital input
Processing may be in stereo or mono fed from left or right channel
Front panel headphone jack for monitoring input source audio and processed output
Variable high pass filter and voice phase rotator
Dynamic L/R correlation meter for assuring proper stereo channel phase
Front panel setup and configuration reduces the need for a PC during installation
PC-based Graphical User Interface, for easy setup, navigation, and remote control
Four GPI triggers for remote control triggered preset changes
Ethernet-based remote control via rear panel 100BaseT Ethernet port
Four-band equalizer: low/high shelf plus two band parametric
User-adjustable multiband crossover frequencies
Multiband windowing spectral manager assures spectral consistency across program types
Independent multiband compressor and leveler may be operated separately or in combination
Newly developed Bass Management System
High-performance low distortion multiband limiters
Full metering for all Input and Output levels and Dynamics processing
Features common to AM signal path:
Specialized asymmetrical AM clipper minimizes distortion
Transmitter tilt and high frequency pre-equalizers for both transmitter outputs
Dual transmitter outputs and audio bandwidth filters, including NRSC
AM outputs may be operated independently or in M/S mode for AM stereo
Convenient polarity inversion for easy transmitter +/- polarity matching
Up to ten seconds of AM/HD diversity delay
Test oscillator with adjustable frequencies including LF Tilt Eq test
Features common to FM signal path:
New distortion-masked FM peak clipper
Specialized live voice algorithm minimizes voice distortion
Exclusive stereo multipath controller can enhance stereo reception in weak signal areas
Full-feature RDS generator supports static and dynamic RDS/RBDS
Precision FM stereo MPX generator with multiplex mask filter
Full support for ITU.BS-412 MPX Power regulations
Wheatstone® baseband192 built in for 192kHz digital MPX link to transmitter
Up to ten seconds of FM/HD diversity delay
Test oscillator with adjustable frequencies including Bessel null test
Exclusive Multipath Control
Exclusive to the Wheatstone line of audio processors is the Stereo Multipath Limiter. A single user control assigned to this algorithm sets it to mitigate market and terrain-specific multipath behavior, reducing the annoyances of multipath-triggered receiver-induced stereo blending. For more info, click here
WheatNet-IP Extends Wheatstone Processors’ Power
With WheatNet-IP BLADE-3s, you get a virtual rack room in a 1-rack space box. They handle all the I/O (AES/EBU, SPDIF, AOIP, MADI, SDI and AES 67) and provide full routing capabilities. Each BLADE-3 gives you two 8x2 utility mixers, 12 universal GPI/O ports, 128 software logic ports, silence detection, built-in audio clip player, stereo multi-band audio processing, and much more, assignable anywhere on the network. With it you can create workflows that would require a ton of third-party gear
REMOTE APP - https://wheatstone.box.com/s/ismrig289y61r7k84g24zfyp7rmwtnmn
- https://wheatstone.box.com/s/4fozrxxc7j4tw4hp8vjt5mmdpzcbz2ta
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RDS AUTOMATION - https://wheatstone.box.com/s/ela6k35d4nlk1j0e6utt3oyrygd7a2p9